Spouse will shower love towards native unconditionally. Neptune in 9th House. . In the sixth house, these feelings affect the physical body on an unconscious level. . Have Airstream, will travel! Saturn in 9th house from Ascendant/ Lagna and Your Marriage. You may depend too much on being saved "one day" and avoid some practical responsibilities in the meantime. There is great depth in your need to know and understand the purpose of living. Any legal dealings are 9th house matters. Of course, the Neptune in 9th house mother plays an important role towards a successful future. I have to wonder why they even bother to respond. None of the invisible planets respect boundaries. 9th house in Navamsa/ D9 Chart - 9th house in D9 represents if your marriage will lead you to the spiritual path or right wise honest path or will marriage would take away your inclination towards spirituality, the kind impact your spouse will have on your philosophical and religious beliefs after marriage union. Bernard Tapie (French pronunciation: ; 26 January 1943 - 3 October 2021) was a French businessman, politician and occasional actor, singer, and TV host. Sexual fantasies yearned to be fulfilled in a spiritually satisfying way by merging with others. Mars, Mercury (which is the planet of my Lagna . It would reduce malefic effects of Saturn to good extent while being generous and helpful to others bringing good benefits. Astrological factors reveal your natural cycles of opportunity, where karma is active, but not determi. With nomadic Neptune in Sagittarius, the sojourning sign (or house), you may struggle to stay in one place for too long. So, Neptune's physical appearance will be showing the inner force that will be guiding you. The Neptune 6th House men are happy when they work in a fair environment where they can improve their talents and perfect their skills. Neptune In 9th House, Neptune In Ninth House Meaning; Neptune In 10th House . This is the reason why they love to travel and to meet new people who can teach them something. The condition of second marriage in astrology :- > If 7th house is anyhow connected with dual sign means either 7th house is dual sign or 7th house sign lord is placed in dual sign either gemini or virgo or Sagittarius or pisces then it signify dual nature quality of 7th house matter means more than one marriage or second marriage in astrology. 11 Comments. champika on December 17, 2018 at 11:42 am Simona I have three planets in 9th house. 9. Neptune in the Ninth House Marriage. Neptune in the 6th House Woman Transiting Neptune through Ninth House. This faith can bring about positive circumstances, but if taken too far, might lead to wastefulness and laziness. Your 7th house ruler is Neptune in Capricorn. These people are often easily influenced, intuitive and interested in unusual religions. Both planet and house symbolizes expansion and so the possibilities here are endless and dreams are big. Neptune in the ninth house suggests strong connection with education, philosophy, religion and travel. With the positiveness of Neptune in this synastry, the "Neptunian" personality . Often a perfect marriage is indicated or spiritual inspiration through your partner. The seventh house is ruled by the zodiac sign Libra and carries with it the planetary ruler, Venus. Answer (1 of 4): Your answer sounds naive both about life and Astrology, as there are many transits and other astrological events associated with marriage, but none of them can "bring marriage". Furthermore, they are less However, they may have a difficult time finding a mate. They avoid direct conflict and seek to understand first before jumping into a defensive stance. You may end up confused as the effects of this time are at a very high and abstract level that may be very difficult to comprehend. This can bring them positivity, but if they exaggerate with it, they may end up very lazy and only wasting their time. I dont see any validity with 2nd marriage in 9th!!. Topic: Neptune in the 9th House: Love Knowflake . A marriage between Neptune in Eighth House synastry partners will further strengthen the social and material well-being of them both. . In the navamsha the 9th house ruler is the Sun in Aries. The marriage partner can be spiritually minded, artistic or just plain confusing. You need to feel authentic in your relationships and you tend to have high standards. These people are believed to have attained admirable success in arenas of tour operating and civil engineering. You have a duty to help those who are less fortunate (including animals) and to bring peace and understanding into the world. . Neptune blurs all borders. Saturn is in the 9th house . Jupiter is the dispositor of the 9th house. House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity. With your natal Neptune in ninth house, the search for meaning is key in your life. This planet's Retrograde motion here can give people an additional "moral" layer, reinforce their religious side in a social sense, and make them more introverted. This is the field of fortune and success, mostly related to the professional area of life. When Neptune is retrograde in ninth house there is deep inspiration and person can understand essence of life and its true meaning. We attach spirituality to the areas of life ruled by the house. Often, we chase dreams or illusions in . The Neptune in 11th house celebrities connects you to the right strategies crucial to your life. What is really interesting is that I mostly agree w. This means that aside from being a dreamy, artistic, Piscean type; your first husband will also be down to earth, mature, and more realistic than the "Piscean" stereotype. Also Read, Example Case study chart - sun in the 7th of Solar return Chart. This sphere in life can have a lot to say about your belief system, and it indicates your perception, worldview, and judgment. As partners, these individuals are very reasonable and willing to compromise in order to keep the peace. Transit Neptune through Natal 8th House : Interest in occult, psychic and hidden aspects of this universe will develop. Natal Birth Chart Meaning. Native may also get financial help from spouse or spouse's family and relatives after . The ninth field is commonly associated with the concept of marriage and with divorce; it especially has to do with the second marriage. Retrograde motion of Neptune in one's birth chart is less important than for other dominant features in the chart, since . Neptune in the 6th House Man. Saturn in the 3rd house makes a special aspect (forward sextile) onto Jupiter in the 5th house. Neptune In 8th House Marriage, Neptune In 8th House Love And Relationship. Neptune rules the unconscious, the deep well of emotional experiences, and the 9th house is the need to expand through knowledge, travel, and faith. It is the symbol of Cosmic Oneness. Dreams. Neptune in the 9th House. Whatever expands your field of activity or the scope of your mind - long journeys, contact with other cultures, great dreams, and even . House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. Therefore, the Neptune in the eleventh house personality is an important aspect of your life. Traveling frees your soul and unleashes your imagination. Neptune's position by house in the natal chart (that is, the house that Neptune occupies in the birth chart) reveals an area of life where we tend to ignore or avoid reality, preferring to see something better, higher, and more meaningful. The influence of Scorpio in the ninth house shows a strong interest in abstract ideas and studying the many mysteries of life. Neptune here suggests that you are looking for someone compassionate, soft, emotional. His dreams are vivid, his insights are uncanny and his intuition is strong and true. Their sheer ignorance of serious astrology is obvious. This is the time to explore your subconscious mind and hidden areas inside. You may feel a blur between the boundaries of yourself and other people as well as . Neptune in 9th House: Neptune in the Ninth House may indicate that your imaginative and . Neptune represents compassion, friendship, and spirituality. . Life pattern will be changed due to death of someone close to heart. A transit of Neptune to H9 tends to create within a person a yearning to find a meaning to life by changing his way of perceiving. Neptune In 9th House Marriage, Neptune In 9th House Love And Relationship. You believe that anything is possible and have extraordinary faith in the universe. What Happens When Neptune Is In 11th House? Whether you're backpacking through Asia, spending a year as a . Neptune in the Ninth House of a birth chart can be described in a couple different ways. Neptune in 9th House: Neptune in the Ninth House may indicate that your imaginative and . Big dreams. There is the tendency to attract a partner whereby you or they play the role of martyr or savior. The 7th denotes all marriages with planets and other aspects there. The 9th house rules higher education, philosophical pursuits, long distance travel, and the law. So having a planet in this location can help you understand what you are here to learn, do, or accomplish when married. You are particularly good at empathizing with others, particularly family members. Thus, if the natives' spouses are spiritually or religiously inclined, there is a good chance of a successful marriage. Neptune is the primordial ocean and the source of life. If you have Neptune in the 9th House, you tend to be idealistic, reverent, mystical . Children, and Love The Seventh House of Astrology: Marriage, Partnerships and Public Enemies The Sixth House of Astrology: Your Health and Service to Humanity. People with Neptune in 9 th house believe anything can get done and trust the Universe more than anything or anyone else. Neptune in 9th House Synastry. Mysterious Neptune is the planet of imagination, the occult and the spirit.When Neptune appears in the Ninth House of an astro chart (The Ninth House is the house of inspiration, study and logical thought) we have to think about the various energies of both the planet and its . The Midheaven represents the work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the world of society. They may also be interested in art, which they may study or teach. Neptune in the 9th House Marriage. If money is borrwed from others, it can cause conflicts. The innermost bond between . Using derivative house method the 9th represents partner's siblings and so in-laws. It takes up a lot of your mental space. . This position of Neptune also means misunderstandings and . Neptune in 9th love and marriage signifies a good life and stable life. The Neptune in the 9th House person is a man of vision, imagination, and wisdom. Those with Neptune in the 9th house are people that are often drawn to mystical experiences, they believe in going beyond worldly boundaries and venturing further and further out in a lifelong search for meaning. is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action. the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the . Communication may be a problem due to your concepts and ideals not coinciding. Higher education refers to your secondary education, like college. The sign on the descendant (the cusp of the seventh house in the natal chart) describes what kind of partner you are looking for subconsciously. He is never afraid of taking risks in hope of receiving great rewards at the end. Neptune retrograde in the 9th house and Sagittarius. 25 Sextile between Neptune - Pluto . It's normal for them to believe they're the ones who need to be saved, so they usually avoid being . He was Minister of City Affairs in the government of Pierre Brgovoy. Neptune in House Nine Neptune in the 9th House Overview: Neptune in the 9th house encompasses a deeply imaginative and expansive curiosity about the world. People of this placement of Saturn in 9th house are blessed with three houses in life leading a happy long life. However, they can also be a bit naive and not consider the implications of their actions. People with this placement are especially interested in spiritual and theological studies. I have heard the 9th house being the house of the 2nd marriage, but I don't remember why. Love can be used to transcend everyday reality and heal emotional scars from the past. If anything you would use 7th plus 7th for the second marriage making it the 1st house. The natives with the Ninth House Neptune, who are spiritually mature, are more open to New Age activities and like the unexpected. If undeveloped you tend to attract egoistic, narcissistic, stubborn and aggressive people. Uranus in 9 th house people think traditions are way behind their time and want to deal with the new or to adopt morals that have just been launched. Notorious B.I.G. Neptune in astrology is all about. Unpredictable Uranus is the planet of rebellion, the unpredictable and change.Mysterious Neptune by contrast, is the planet of imagination, the spirit and mysticism.According to astrology, whenever 2 planets occupy one house, their energies are generally considered to be augmenting one another which makes any associated energy more noticeable in a . . The 9th house is also a house of communication (along with the 3rd house /they are opposing houses and on an axis). Conversely, there may be something strange, secret, confusing or mysterious regarding your marriage - possibly two unions or some scandal connected to partnerships. Neptune and Uranus are in the 9th House. #10. Conversely, there may be something strange, secret, confusing or mysterious regarding your marriage - possibly two unions or some scandal connected to partnerships. The second marriage is ruled by the 9th house, the third marriage by the 11th house, and so on. When Neptune is placed in the 10th house, you feel unconditional love and compassion for everyone and everything in your life. It is the symbolic ruler of 9th and 12th houses. The next several years will stimulate your interests in spiritual truth and higher consciousness. They have an inherent desire to learn and understand knowledge of a higher order. . Neptune in the ninth house gives love for religion, traveling by sea, strange dreams, mysticism, deep philosophy, and there is often clairvoyance. In summary, the 9th house includes experiences that we encounter when we search for the meaning of things. Any new experience makes them become better and merges with their personality. Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009: posted August 27, 2007 03:08 PM . This can point to a rather strong marriage or partnership, a nice little family. This group of people will not accept injustice of any kind. A lot more advanced from a spiritual perspective, the natives are willing to accept New Age practices and love unusual. Neptune in the ninth house. Besides marriage, partnerships, the seventh house is also about the legal matters and publicity. I don't think, though, that it was "if you have planets here, you'll get married twice", but rather "if you get married twice, look to this house to describe/signify the second marriage". Life and career Tapie was born in Paris. It rules Pisces and is the co-ruler of Sagittarius. If Neptune is negatively aspected, misunderstanding, disharmony, evasion, and dishonesty in the relationships lead to a violation of constructive communication and significant material losses. Love and relationships with Neptune in eleventh house marriage are a leading course of life. The partner may not always be easy to live with due to moodiness. Neptune (to refine) in the House of Home. Neptune in 9th House. Traits of Neptune in Sagittarius. Neptune is the most sensitive of the planets and feels things so deeply that much of it is unconscious. . > If 7th house is any how connected with dual . Neptune in the 7th house in Libra - In the sign of Libra, Neptune in the 7th house is a placement that highlights an emphasis on harmony and appreciation. Aquarius on House VII . People with this placement are curious about the purpose of existence, and they don't stop learning. Oct 12, 2006. When Neptune operates through H9, a person seeks a higher level of consciousness, which will lift him above separation and enable him to experience a sense of belonging. The Sun is in Sagittarius and its dispositor is Jupiter. Neptune in 9th House synastry relationships are based on mutual interest in spiritual mysticism, education, culture, intellectual self-improvement, love for travel, and other types of cognitive activity, such as lucid dreaming. House VIII - the eighth house - is the area . The 3rd and 9th houses symbolize the 2 polarities of the human mind, the concrete and the abstract. Neptune in V: Neptune is in the fifth house Extravagant love affairs, great passions, unusual creativity. 10. Make good decisions that will reflect on the good life and future. You are self-sacrificing in relation to your family (parents), or they are to you. Glamorous, romantic and highly imaginative. The 9th House in Astrology. If Neptune in the Ninth House was in non-harmonious aspects, it indicates fanatic attitude towards philosophy and . Neptune in Sagittarius or the 9th House. Often a perfect marriage is indicated or spiritual inspiration through your partner. You may have a house by the sea (Neptune rules salt water). Answer (1 of 7): I see that you have already received four so called "answers" from individuals who think your question is a waste to time. It becomes more important as one grows older. As a result, it's not difficult to fall prey to believing . Neptune in IX: Neptune is in the ninth house Interest in art, possessing high ideals and a great attraction to exotic ideas and to the sea. Through this area, you seek to understand life and continually . Aries on House IX Travel with risk and adventure. Transit Neptune in 9th House. With your natal Neptune in ninth house, you are in tune with the universe, and spirituality is a big part of who you are. Leo/Sun in the 7th house: you at your best you attract a bold, charismatic, proud, romantic, generous, loyal, rich and caring partner. Neptune's boundaries are always blurred, and so with Neptune in the sixth house, the boundaries between the emotional and physical are blurred. Person can understand himself on deepest level. You are caring and nutritive towards others. In the rasi, the 9th house ruler is the Moon in Sagittarius. Spouse will be faithful, helpful, co-operative, and will be much devoted towards native whether it is arranged marriage or love marriage. 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